Choosing A Protein Bar Is Not As Difficult As You Think

Protein bars are convenient, but they are typically high in calories and low in protein. The calorie count of the average protein bar ranges from 230 toumber. Even though they contain a full gram of protein, the calories are set at the levels necessary toodoruce the amount of fat contained in the protein bar. Weight management groups might suggest that you pick a high protein bar to control your hunger.

The problem with a convenience can be its chili cheese type salsa. messing around with either guacamole or sour cream only gets you so far. Image yourilkroll ranch dressing as an alternative. Recipe creation supplies the the standard ingredients for a yummy bar recipe.

blueberries in white cup

The hardest part about picking out a protein bar is to pass the test. No matter what nutritional bar bar you see on TV, it is the same nutritional bar. Ask yourself, is it worth the extra hundred or so minutes to find out what is inside and after you have made your decision, stick with it.

Have you checked the labels? Ok, let’s see. You want quick, convenient, nutritional bars. Let’s check the numbers.

Nutritional Bar #1: Skinny Cow Low Carb Bar

This is not the best bar for you. It has 220 calories, 14 grams of fat, and only 50 mg of cholesterol. But, that’s because it has only half a gram of saturated fat. The package boasts “low carb” with this bar, if you look at the nutritional label, you might find that its carbohydrates are only 4 grams.

Nutritional Bar #2: Jenny Craig Diet Bar

This bar focuses on burning fat and craving food. It has 250 calories, but only 11 grams of fat. I call this a smart pick because it has a bunch of fiber. It also has key vitamins like C, E, and the B vitamins. This bar is more filling than the other diet bars. You could even eat half of it by itself.

However, I would not recommend this one. It might be okay once a while, but if you keep taking it every day, you might find yourself hungry again very quickly. Besides, it contains high fructose corn syrup.

Nutritional Bar #3: Weight Watchers Snack Bars

They never taught us this in health class – eat regular food for dinner and have a bedtime snack. However, this is what you do every night.

They also never explained why you had to have a snack bar before going to bed. What does this do for your figure? Weight gain? Alternatively, how does this help maintain your figure?

They also never told you this, but the reason you gained weight was because you were eating junk food most of the time. Now that you have a bedtime snack, you will eat less for the rest of the day.

Nutritional Bar #4: Rold Golds Bar

Last but not least, you can try every nutritional bar that doesn’t have chemicals and sugar. This includes Weight Watchers and Quaker.

In the words of my quota, these bars are all flavorrous and low in fat and sugar. However, you might be fooled.

They all have 600 cals. Your body needs a little more than that every day to maintain its normal temperature, especially if you are a woman.

The problem is that most of these bars contain sugar. How do they keep the price down? Are they really healthy?

Do a Google search and you might find some answers. Remember, the fewer ingredients, the better. My rule of thumb is to avoid those that have more than four or five ingredients.

Nutritional Bar #5: Celery Sticks with Dip

These are not the wisest choice, but if you are trying to eat healthy, nothing is better than celery sticks with a little dip.

Too much fat will contribute to high bad cholesterol levels. Your intestine has the job of extracting fat from what you eat. However, if you eat a lot of food with a lot of sauces and spreads, there is a good chance that most of that will be stored as fat in your belly, hips, and thighs.

Chronic constipation will also make you put on weight. Dried celery stalks are more likeual celery that is loaded with fiber. The high fiber content soothes your digestive system. Tap water is not nearly as good for you as the fresh stuff.

Try some dip that is low in fat. The best dip for celery sticks is one made with nonfat powdered milk, nonfat cottage cheese, margarine, and a few black olives.

pizza with green and red vegetable on brown wooden table