A growing number of people are moving towards organic food on purely health-based grounds. Not only do we have to appreciate the taste and the nutritional value of organic food, we have to understand why it is healthier than traditionally grown food.
Organic food is produced using natural and biological methods that are safe, not to mention better for the planet as a whole. For example, organic food was developed using pesticides and artificial fertilizers just as conventional methods do, so by using the term ‘organic’ we are able to detect and avoid these potentially harmful products.
A great number of studies have revealed the many health benefits of organic (religiferated) food to date. In one particular study (which was conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and published in 1999), it was delving deep into the correlation between cancer rates and organochlorides pesticide use, and found that the increased cancer rates had nearly been a result of the pesticide use rather than the higher alcohol consumption that people were taking.
It is also important to understand that organically grown food needs smaller amounts of energy since it doesn’t use the chemical process of growing food that we are otherwise accustomed too. Typically, it is smaller amounts of food that are needed because of the lower energy costs. Which means, that overall, organically grown food costs less than conventional methods of growing food. Which also means, that overall, we can afford to eat organic foods if we choose.
The Nationally produced organic food is typically less expensive than conventionally grown foods. A cost effective way to ensure that you are eating high quality food is to buy organic foods when you can. Make sure that you are also getting a 100% Natural Fruit Pure Fruit Puree or HFCS free Plasticpper Delivery. Plasticizers are used in conventional fruit picking to help preserve the appearance of freshly picked fruits. There is usually a label on the side of the plasticizer that signifies which company the plasticizer belongs to. (HFCS is a chemical that is used to sweeten foods – it is known as a sugar substitute).
The Surprising absense of trans fat in organically grown foods is one of the biggest things that has really put organic foods on the Pioneers list. So, what is having a major effect on therates of obesity in the United States? The answer is simple: theconvention of eating conventionally grown foods. People just don’t buy organic foods, as they have been led to believe that they are inferior. However, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) doesn’t actually require anything to be organic to be considered organic.
In fact, for a farm to be certified as organic, certain conditions must be met. For instance, farmers can’t spray for pesticides, antibiotics, or chemical fertilizers. They can’t use genetic engineering, irradiation, or biotechnology. They also can’t use human waste or sewage in food production.
One other requirement that the USDA considers for organic food is that no Animal cruelty may be used as a method of feeding or healing animals or humans. In other words, no animal slavery as occurred in the olden days. And there are small humane slaughterhouses that exist that allow human beings to suffer and die in essentiallyhumane conditions. The Compassionate Café has heard from many people who are concerned about this, but they do not plan to close down their doors.
The future of organic foods is very bright. There is a high level of education now about the benefits of organic foods, and it is creating a larger doorway for organic products to be purchased and consumed by more and more people. People are starting to make the right choice, and are turning to organic foods in record numbers. Once this is understood, it is possible to then control the supply of such products and thus preserve the quality of life for future generations.