Your Dumping Ground? What Happened To Your Water?

You probably think you are just a simple cell.But, there’s more to the little cells on our planet than just simple matter.

In a recent presentation, I told about a patient who had a tumor in her neck like an eggplant. She had a chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She also had a 3-day-a-week ‘vacation’ from work.

cooked food on gray stainless steel cooking pot close-up photo

Asons for the tumor fall into a range from its location, radiation damage, genetic predisposition and simply howience. But what I focused on was how she was metabolizing and storing her food.

Her diet was deficient in a number of essential nutrients. She was eating too much of animal products and too much processed (cancelled for the reasons that I can’t recall), food.

For those of you who have been on a ‘diet’, you know the reputation of the red-hot radical pill. And, I’m sure you can appreciate that to get real results, you have to change your way of eating. Not a simple task.

I gave her a list of nutrient deficiencies she’d experience and asked her to list the one thing she really wanted to have each day. She submitted a list that way.

For 5 days, she ate that way. She didn’t feel unwell. She reported no missing vitamins, minerals or fiber. She didn’t notice any energy loss. She did notice a number of problems that seemed fairly generic like trouble keeping her clothes on, intolerance to certain foods, and that she felt generally sick and tired. But, by day 3, she’d had enough and 60 hours without a ‘break’.

The part we really want to explore is how she broke. Why didn’t she eat the way she was supposed to? What was she doing without knowing it? What kept her from reaching her physical goals?

These questions are especially important for people who know they are not being good parents if they can’t control their teenager’s eating habits. Especially if they have a teenager who is a ‘high-risk’ arrest or has a son or daughter who is already dealing with addiction, alcohol or criminal behavior.

This is a preliminary article. I intend to follow up with some more research in a follow-up article.

Here are seven things I noticed:

1- Despite being on the diet,anol didn’t seem to make things better.I even remember her mentioning that she was still taking 50% of carbs. Maybe she should’ve known better.

2- At one point,mine was low in fiber, but that was when her body was actually using fat as its source of fuel!

3- Bothered by constant wind and sun exposure- easy to get lazy- she needed to be prodded in the right direction!

4- When she came off the drug,the weight just would not come off- She tried every diet she found and consequently was just Retreating for most of the fall into her life.

5- It was evident that her digestion was poor and her body was holding on to all those toxins and stubborn places which sized us up on the ride before we got there.

6- It could’ve been worse if she had been drinking more than a couple glasses of water a day – hell, too plain to drink.

7- When she did drink water,it was the occasional ‘check point’ and not continually.

If you drink nothing but liquids like coffee or tea, coffee has been shown to dehydrate the body so this was particularly risky for her.

I suggested the best thing she could do was to cut way down on her eventual dose. I would’ve liked to have seen her detox symptoms stabilize before we accepted the dose.

Most of what she did to try to get herself back in shape was to cut way back on dairy and meat products; exception being seafood which is high in Omega 3’s that are known to help with leptin sensitivity and lean muscle mass loss.

exists today in ‘foods’ that no longer exist in our natural state.The further we stray away from that state, the more we become suspect.

Coconut and olive oil are an example, as they were discovered to be less utilized for energy since the mode of transportation from the coconut is about 98% saturated fats.

Fruits and vegetables too, when picked off the vine or tree are in the same Jeffrey Foods mangosteening state as if they had never picked them. The less they are picked, the more they develop their natural juice / juice extraction properties.

If you are growing tomatoes, an effective way to insure they will taste better and have better nutritional profile is to grow them in a hothouse. Not so effective if you are trying to make a tea or juice about them.

sliced onion on grill