12 Fridge And Freezer Tips To Reduce Food Waste And Improve Your Energy Levels! (Part 4 Of 4)

Tip 4 – Never shop when you are hungry, eat the best quality food you can when you are hungry, and make sure any leftovers you have have when you go to the toilet are not going to go to waste either!

Freeze Things You Can’t Use

green leaf plants in gold-colored tray

It is a good idea to buy as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible, stick them in the freezer until you are ready to use them, this speeds up the process of freezing and makes sure they are still as tasty as possible. Freezing chicken breasts is very easy and a healthy way to prepare them. There are also many frozen pizza bases out there, make your own veggie pizza base, add some mushrooms and peppers and your own personal favourite toppings. Make burger patties, spaghetti buns, meat loaf or scones, these all have to contain the same aspects of meat that you want to use for your burger. The base for these meals is prepping the ingredients. For the burger patties, leave the fat off the meat, for the meat loaf and scones leave off the cheese and you have a perfect meal.

Don’t shop on an empty stomach

If you are going shopping and you have a full stomach, your chances of buying the right food is reduced. Be careful not to buy anything that has the wrong BMI value or isn’t calorie/nutritionally correct.

Know your limits

I can’t even tell you how many cans of peas and beans you can buy, but I know if I keep an eye on the total calories and their calorific value on the label, I can avoid those certain items. Keep an eye on the calories in that bag of crisps, instant yoghurt, sauces etc.

Learn the standard portions

Milk, hopped, straight from the cow: 160 calories. Whole milk widows between 150 and 160 calories. Cheeses: 150 to 160 calories.Bread: 100 calories.

A spare jar of butter: Whatever the portion size is, use it. Not only will it lessen the calorific value of the food, it’ll add some very needed countryside for you.

Pack snacks in your trolley

If it’s possible to pack some nuts or fruit into your trolley (and who isn’t), this is going to be the ultimate survival food. Here’s a little secret: Snacks don’t have to be unhealthy. It’s fine to have the lighter, healthier nuts, such as almonds, as well as any other fruit you pack. I always take a few pieces of fruit through myBreville juicerto pack some snacks (almonds, sliced apple, raisins) and leave the heavier nuts (almonds, walnuts etc) for the fats.

Home cooked meals

Preparing meals at home is the absolute best way to get the best out of your food. Buying ready-made meals from restaurants, especially fast food places is never wise ( NEVER Buyem in a backpack, unless it’s some homemade hummus and pita!). Most nutrition experts recommend preparing your own meals so that you know exactly what’s going into your food, and how much. Convenience is definitely the YES! Some Helpful hints about home cooked meals (especially fast food) – – Choose meals with low fat contents.

– If you prepare your own dishes, you can include all kinds of foods that you’re not allowed to include in your diet elsewhere (for example Veggies).

– Healthy meals need not be dull. Add lots of variety so that your taste buds won’t know what they should be covering up.

– Cover up all of the unhealthy stuff (sausage, mayonnaise, chocolate, fried chicken).

– Cutting up fruits and veggies and storing in plastic containers is a lot easier than you’d think.

Become a SugarBaby

SugarBaby is a term used for babies who are just getting into soft food categories. Children between the ages of 3 to 5 consume a steady diet of sugar, which means their routine functions and movements are not as refined as those of a more mature child. This means they eat a lot more sugar.

We all know how bad sugar is for us, but it doesn’t have to be part of our daily diet. It’s not the occasional bit of marmalade that you get away with, but the repetition of a steady diet of processed sugar. You can stop sugar consumption cold turkey, or you can downsize it little by little. If you’re in a hurry, you can level off at once. Just don’t overdo it.

A great off-the-shelf alternative is fruit. If you buy fruit, you’ve got a few problems. First of all, you’ve got fooled your tummy. Fruit takes time to digest.

person holding hotdog with bun