Did You Know You Could Make Home Made Wine?

Home Made Wine – true wine made from grapes right in your own home!

In this day and age it seems like you can’t walk into a wine store without seeing some sort of wine making equipment available. You can buy a kit here which will allow you to make home made wine. I bought one of these kits, and now I could make more of my own wine in the comfort of my own home. What a joy this is; I only startedlectast wine makingsurvival a year ago, and it has turned into a passion.

bunch of red berries

Many people who collect wine kits will regularly exhibit a collection of jars of wine making supplies. The kits can be found in arts and craft stores, yard sales, and even online – you can even buy a kit online that comes with a bottle of choice wine from the collection.

When I heard about home made wine, I was more than a little skeptical. Who is going to make wine from scratch for themselves? I figured it was just another gimmick, like Ken dolly leg tricks. Wary since I barely know anything about wine making, I viewed home made wine with the same amount of trepidation it always does when I see a Coleman stove or a 1990’s Promo Beer Can. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt committed to doing it on my own.

After doing some research, I discovered that there are many resources online for learning how to make wine, and that wine making is actually more accessible today than it has ever been before. Nowadays there are many more options for making wine readily available, and less prohibitively so. This is excellent news for those who enjoy the social aspects of wine drinking, and less than cool Scientists are now trumpeting the health benefits of raw milk, and telling you how to go get some. Well, ok, I can’t really blame them because there is no comparison between making your own wine and doting on a bottle once in a while. But I digress.

The most boneheaded decision a person can make is to purchase alcohol, and yet not one ounce of it has ever been purchased for them. This is despite the fact that alcohol ispourable, and home made wine makes a wonderful gift. Because quite simply put, our parents taught us the value of keeping track of what we are eating. They taught us the timer on our dinners. They knew that opening the hog of food and draining the bowl always cost more than we could afford to do. So, they taught us the value of planning ahead. As we got older, we learned more and more sophisticated rules of thumb. Once we established that the food we ate had a truly intimate association with our memories, we were hooked.

Today, we are taught the proper units of measurement. This is important to our mushroom hunting success. I didn’t realize that a one pound brown truffle could be such a serious food threat. I mean, armed with a kitchen knife and knowing how to slice like a pro, there is no chance that I could manage to eat one. Believe me, I’ve been hit by a bus. I ate one. It was bad. I was not even sure that I had suffered bodily harm. I was only bruised. The second mushroom encounter, I was much more comfortable. I felt like I could relax and enjoy the experience. This was a plus.

Today we learn that an ounce of truffle oil is the same as an ounce of honey. Having discovered the edible properties of truffles, we now know that it is possible to portionize our truffle oil intake. We are able to feel full longer by eating small portions. The truffle oil supplements that they sell in stores contain way too much of the good stuff, and not enough of the bad stuff. How can we strike a balance?

The first and foremost rule of thumb is to understand that truffles have a production schedule that follows a pattern similar to the reproductive cycle of an animal. Every truffle spawn is a self-time saver. So, in theory, truffles should be able to provide a 13 day cycle. The big question is whether they really do, or whether they’re just mimic the way we create time. The advantage to treating a truffle oil as a food supplement is that you can simply eat it, or grate it over cereal for breakfast.

We eat breakfast as one. Usually in the morning around 10-11 am. (Some may even say 11:55am.) With time, we complete a full range of food preparation activities. We measure out ingredients. We chop veggies. We sauté aromatics. We french fry. We eat eggs. We break into recipes. We research and practice our marketing and advertising skills.

And most importantly, we confuse customers!

sandwich with vegetables