Fresh Seafood

Fresh seafood is considered a true delicacy by a great many people around the world; especially for those that live in locations far removed from the ocean. It not only possesses a delicate yet delightful flavor, but it is also one of the healthiest sources of proteins and oils in the world. It is a staple of many traditional cultural diets and is recognized world-wide as an important source of nutrition.

A local fish market is the ideal place in which to find the best in fresh seafood. Such a market is easy to find if you live near a coast line. However, if you’re not in a position to travel to the coast, they can be harder to find but not impossible to find. Most major metropolitan areas include at least one dedicated fish market, but in areas that do not, fresh fish can often be found at a local grocery store.

red tomato on white surface

As previously mentioned, however, a coastal fish market is by far the best place to find the freshest in fish, and other seafood. These markets specialize in providing seafood to consumers that was quite literally pulled from the water less than 24 hours before it was placed on the shelf. Many of them also run websites that allow those who do not live near the coast to order whatever they desire, and have it shipped directly to the home. This allows landlocked seafood lovers to experience the wonderful tastes and smells of fresh seafood without having to travel long distances.

Fish and seafood has been a longtime staple of the human diet, for nearly every culture on earth. As such, seafood is both widely available and very affordable. Fish easily rival chicken and beef as a popular meat, and are fairly inexpensive to prepare. Nonetheless, you should be allowances some fresh seafood is not quite as readily available as others. When you’re done with fresh seafood, it can be cooked or eaten as it is.

Every seafood lover has his or her own method for preparing and cooking the fish or shellfish to perfection. Some like it baked, while others likes it in a spicy dish. It’s even served plain and served with a filling to make it memorable. Cooks also have various options when it comes to making the seafood dumplings or rolls. Some like to add a variety of vegetables, while others enjoy making dumplings with only pork and vegetables. Whatever way you like to make it, rest assured that it is well worth the time and effort.

Chow Mein

Chow mein is a Cantonese term for stir fried noodles. Such food is particularly popular among older Chinese and is considered a treat. noodles may be classified as short or long, and usually served on a bed of rice. Chicken, turkey or prawns are the most common kinds of noodles, although many people also enjoy enjoy enjoy lasagna and other noodle recipes.

Unlike many other cuisines, such as Indian, Japanese and African, there is no specific way to eat chow mein. It is up to the cook to decide how it is prepared, although there are guidelines inherent in the dish. The chow mein should be orangey yellow and flakey, not sticky at all. It must be stir fried until it is al- dow enough and the taste is refined. When it is finished, it can be served with soy sauce or a squeeze of sesame oil.


This is really a local street and market, often held on a Saturday in China. It consists of freshly cooked seafood or meat, typically stir-fried on a flat metal surface. This can be commonly found with several types of vegetables and small fishes. This is served accompanied by bamboo shoots, Chinese kale and sometimes stir-fried cabbages.

Xiao Long Bao

This is really a local street and market, often held on a Saturday in China. It consists of steamed pork loin, stir-fried wontons, noodles and a broth. The wontons are cut into small triangles and the noodles made into wrapped pouches. The broth is typically carrot, tofu, chicken or mushroom. This is traditionally served in a container larger than a bowl and often sprinkled with chopped garlic and chilies.

man leaning hand on table looking on group of people