Do Bananas Go In The Refrigerator?

So how many of you actually know the answer to the question how often do you eat bananas? I am not talking about the ones you buy at your local supermarket are you? We are all aware of the importance of keeping bananas out of the refrigerator as they tend to brown faster and lose their flavour quicker than if they are stored at room temperature. However we rarely consider the question how bananas have come to be such a popular staple for so many people throughout the world.

A banana is a fruit which grows on a large tree. Bananas are researched on a daily basis and there are hundreds of different types discovered all over the world. They are high in protein and potassium and low in salt. The protein found in bananas is complete which means that it contains all the essential amino acids needed for human nourishment. Bananas are also an important source of dietary fiber which is very important for the gastrointestinal health of the body.

tray of mango

The first time bananas were ever eaten in as many as the 1700s in the tropics. However they were not eaten as the main course but rather as a condiment or as piece of fruit to be eaten only with salt. Bananas have been around for around 6,000 years and were first brought to Sicily by the Arabs.

The first mature bananas were actually grown in Malawi in Southeast Asia and Africa. They were initially consumed as a luxury item and the Portuguese brought them to Europe and Asia in the early 1500s.

The Caribbean is the largest banana growing region in the world. Here the skill of banana plantations has excelled and banana production is a thriving industry. A lot of bananas are grown in Minnesota, Florida and California and the largest producer of bananas is the state of Hawaii. Hawaii also hosts the United States’ largest banana growing region and the pineapple industry is largely based in the islands.

Bananas aremits into the diets of many cultures throughout the world. They not only add a lot of flavor but also add a lot of health benefits. Bananas are rich in Vitamin B6, potassium and fiber. They are also among the most studied and tested super foods.

The classic smoothie contains bananas. This Blend bananas, blender bananas are created and the bananas are mixed in the blender and the preparation can be done in seconds. These bananas are highly favorable super foods. Moreover, bananas are available in the year 2000 and leap year which will cause the prices to be lowered. This will be because bananas are producer of hands down the best quality bananas.

The bananas can be used in the creation of many banana recipes. Banana salad is a common recipe while banana baked potatoes are also widely available. These recipes depend on the bananas to give a fabulous flavour to the dish. The bananas can be also used to make banana bread which is very convenient for breakfast meal. In the same way as mentioned above, Preparation bananas can be done in seconds also.

This will be the simplest part of this food to get into your diet. All you need to do is to have bananas in the breakfast with your cereals and fruits. As you can see, bananas are very good for you. probability of indulging in bananas will increase if you also share this surprising fruit with your friends. For example, guys can eat bananas on an empty stomach to give weight to their body and also increase his sexual stamina.

To know the nutritional value of bananas, here is a simple and easy method to know banana facts:

grey characteristics on the skin indicates the presence of antioxidants perfect for slowing down the aging process

Long growing season indicates high productivity as well as low replacement of lost nutrients

High water content along with ample space to grow

Fruit and banana brings good health and a clean liver

Therefore, when buying a banana, it is important to know its origin, how the fruit is grown and how the fore mentioned factors have influenced the banana market.

baked breads