What Are The Benefits Of Cacao

Almonds, for many people, are a super food. They are a super fat food, filled with proteins, and a super messy to eat. Almonds are even a popular ingredient for making skin care products. Nuts itself are a healthy snack, providing nutrients like Vitamin E and B6, iron, along with magnesium and phosphorus. Nuts even have probiotics which help with friendly flora in the body.

However, for many people, almonds are TOO bitter. This occurs because many cleaning products and even some moisturizers have almonds as an ingredient. Almonds are often substituted for foods that have less than perfect texture. For example, when making chocolate covered treats, the mixture of almonds and chocolate is perfect. Unfortunately, for many, the to the full flavor chocolate and almonds provide is too bitter.

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This leads to a natural question. What do you replace your almonds with? Many people turn to their natural selves, and this includes honey. Honey, like cacao, is a great natural sweetener that can be used with cacao. One benefit of honey is that it does not chemically change the flavor of the chocolate. Almonds have a slightly astringent taste and a slight graininess. This characteristic makes them a great substitution for bitter fruits and a substitute for the Vermont syrup.

What are the benefits of cacao and honey?

Food safety experts recommend all foods be thoroughly cooked before consumption. Raw foods, like cacao and honey, have not lost any of their nutritional value. However, cooking these foods may also affect flavor. The high smoke point of cacao and honey is well above normal cooking temperatures. Because of this, smoking or even boiling the foods are not recommended.

Americans’ bad cholesterol

Our tissues are home to about twenty types of cholesterol. And about eighty percent of these types are found in the meat and animal products we eat. The cholesterol found in vegetables and fruits are not necessarily bad for you, but instead provide you with essential nutrients that your body needs.

One twenty percent of our total daily cholesterol, called “low-density lipoprotein” and chemicals called “low-density lipoxygenase” are produced by the body and are used to help form different blood products. These chemicals act as hormones, and can help regulate various aspects of your body’s metabolism. For example, they help with burning carbohydrates and protein, increasing blood glucose levels and reducing insulin levels. Too much processing of foods may also increase levels of PVCs, thus, promoting an increase in cholesterol levels.

Therefore, it is important to eat only the amount of food recommended by our health care professionals. We also need to consume a reasonable amount of protein and amino acids every day, and must not depend on protein or amino acids from other food groups.

The balance diet

While it is perhaps less well known, but which is probably the best diet choice for us to maintain our health and prevent disease, is the balance diet. This diet promotes a regular dose of seafood, vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds, and whole grains, with smaller amounts of meat and dairy products. The theory concerning the balance diet is that it helps balance hormones and metabolism as well as other factors important to our health, making it extremely healthy to consume.


Ultimately, it is not healthy to rely solely on diet to maintain health. However, as experienced, the best foods we can provide ourselves are from plants, and mainly fruits and vegetables. As more and more people are beginning to understand the benefits of uncooked vegetables, and the nutritional value of some of the more ingredients, we are beginning to see an increasing number of people turning to raw foods, uncooked or lightly cooked.

This writer is not against people who eat meat. However, the focus of the writer is on foods, and how best to avoid them, particularly those we come to rely on heavily.

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