1 MR – What’s In It And How Does It Compare To The Fountain Of Youth?

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BAA, Broccoli, Barbara Walters, CNN, Fox News, Oprah. The question, 1 MR, is getting a lot of press. Is it the fountain of youth or will it ruin you way beyond repair? Any of these questions sound familiar? If you picked up any of the above headlines right now, it’s time to read on.

Our bodies constantly create “free radicals”,(iums and betacarates on the way down) when we are exposed to Outside environment (ulence, toxins, pollution). These compounds then attack our bodies causing issues such as swelling, hot joints, heartburn, migraine, neurological issues, brain function etc.

What 1 MR does is it Patches up these free radicals producing a blood platelet stickiness called Thrombosis, a kind of Blood clot. When this Thrombosis fixes, it blocks the arteries and ups your blood pressure. The platelet bunching together in our blood vessels gets in the arteries and clogs and bang! bang! we are onto something and we either kill ourselves or we permanently damage ourselves.

This problem has been largely untreated for years now. Is this something that we need to accept as a part of life or should there be something better?

What 1 MR does is to introduce a new substance to the system called Cholesterol Power Foe 2. It acts like 2 antioxidants that neutralizes all the free radicals running around our blood stream. It gets into the arteries and it cleans them out, up to 98%.

Why is this important? It is estimated that around 80% of US citizens have elevated ( unhealthy) levels of Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not good when it is in excess. It clogs your arteries and causes heart disease.

What happens when cholesterol becomes stuck in the arteries? It becomes a plaque and it thickens the arterial wall. A clogged arteries is called a “hardening” of the arteries. When the walls of the arteries become thick because of hardened, the flow of blood decreases.

The do not know whether 1 MR is going to prevent or promote heart disease down the road. All that is known is that this is a tremendous supplement at preventing, if not eliminating free radical damage and inflammation in the body.

1 MR is going to help you prevent these diseases.

Antioxidants are killers. The scientific evidence is tremendous. Just by having some exposure to natural sunlight, your body will produce antioxidants naturally. It does a great job of it, but for some people the body does not always produce enough of it.

What happens when the body does not produce enough antioxidants to fight off the free radicals that cause disease? It is believed that as we age, the body becomes less effective at fighting these free radicals. That is one of the reasons that some people seem to get sick and vulnerable as they get older.

1 MR is a very potent killer of free radicals. It has the ability to attach to these oxygen-based killers and destroy them. It does this because 1 MR is rich in a crucial vitamin-like substance called S-Adenosylmethionine, or SAMe. S-Adenosylmethionine clogs the arteries and sends the blood rushing to the brain. The brain relies on the blood to get nutrients and oxygen into the cells, and to get rid of waste products and toxins.

This killer of free radicals works both in the physical and logical sense. Physical symptoms are improving all the time. Keep in mind, 1 MR is not a magic bullet. It won’t protect you from developing heart disease or cancer. That is something that you must live with.

In fact, 1 MR is part of the family of reasons, or risk factors, that already naturally occur in your biology. So, you won’t notice the effects of other risk factors, such as unhealthy diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and oxidative stress for working out. It does a great job on the chronic disease aspect.

People who are obese usually have poor nutrition. Their bodily functions are often impaired. The doctor can easily detect when this is the case. The patient often complains of chest pain, skin problems, excessive sweating, headaches, and dizziness.

1 MR is helpful in avoiding these symptoms. If you normally have problems with your heart when you eat fish, then 1 MR can improve your condition. You don’t have to worry about eating too much seafood, if the 1 MR is combined with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and low-stress eating habits.

People who have problems with their circulatory system can benefit from 1 MR. You can even provide relief from lung diseases with this form of health supplement. In fact, higher doses of 1 MR have been shown to help people who are suffering from lung diseases.

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