Magnesium is essential to the body as a nutrient to be found mostly in the skeletal, as well as the oral component. The deficiency is a very common problem in people and it can cause a whole host of problems. Most main health problems you can think of are skeletal disorders, some of which can even be fatal. The deficiency affects such parts as heart disease, bone formation, clue in Psychiatry.
Magnesium is responsible for thousands of enzymatic reactions that take place in the body. More than a dozen of these reactions will occur that contribute to our health. For example, the enzymes in the brain, in digestion, the heart, and in bone formation will all require a certain amount of magnesium.
Magnesium deficiency can cause the following problems:
For People with Depression
It is well-known that magnesium deficiency can cause a depression and feelings of hopelessness as well. A substance called serotonin will cause a slump in mood and you may find that your aren’t enjoying life the way you would like. In addition, magnesium deficiency can cause irritability, anxiety, and muscle twitching.
Due to the nature of the symptoms, if you are diagnosed with magnesium deficiency, it will be necessary to take your body on a magnesium mineral supplement. These supplements do come in droppers, tablets, and capsules, however getting them as close to 100% of the recommended daily intake is the best. The close you get to 100%, you most likely won’t even notice the difference.
Technique for extracting minerals from the body
There are several different ways to get as much magnesium as you need, there is however a very simple and relatively inexpensive way that is simply legal and practical. Gnergies do the following:
They will take various herbs, plants, minerals, and substances such as seaweed extract or apituitary gland extracts.
They will then grind these items up into an impure powder, mix this with sucrose, and then heat it to boiling. They then inject the contents into mice and observe how the mice improve.
Seaweed extract contains plenty of magnesium, plant colostrum, sea algae, and kelp. The ants feed off of the plants, and also silkworm larvae eat the plant leaves. Many sea algae species contain very high amounts of veritable Arginine.
Add Arginine to the milky substance they feed on in the beginning stages of their lives, it is very vital for their future. One of the very best Arginine supplements you can get is called Xtend-Life’s NewEssential Minerals. They will provide you with the most organic form of Arginine, Arginine HCl that is 95% pure. It is actually better for you to get the goodness of other herbs such as Italian Almond Root, Asian Ginseng Root, and Gotu kam antiquate leaves.
Supplement for magnesium
Again, if you are deficient in magnesium, taking a supplement for that mineral alone isn’t going to cure you.
Combining different magnesium compounds is a much better way to get magnesium. Phytates, inhibitors, and oxalates all block the absorption of magnesium. To be perfectly honest, I have used a supplement that contains just Phytates & Magnesium in a compound mix much like nature intended. The result is that you get maximum magnesium and none of the phytates, inhibitors, or oxalates.
There are a number of other benefits that working magnesium supplements will have on your body. Some of these include:
Your body will absorb Xtend-Life’s magnesium supplements 100% better than regular, commercial supplements.
Their magnesium supplements are manufactured in their own pharmaceutical GMP compliant facility in New Zealand.
The ingredients that are contained in Xtend-life’s magnesium supplements are paired with additional compounds that offer even greater absorption, as well as assisting in the absorption of the magnesium.
Regular magnesium intake is just not enough to keep your body functioning at an optimum level. Many people who use supplements try to get their magnesium from other supplements, but there are not enough natural food sources of magnesium to satisfy the magnesium requirement from food alone.
Having the right nutrients in your daily diet is necessary for good health, and magnesium is an important nutrient for good health.